Making Powerful Memories Out of Our Moments

At the beginning of each school year, we gather as a district for our Opening Convocation—a time to reconnect, take a deep breath before the halls fill with students, and set the tone for the year ahead. It’s a special moment. We enjoy breakfast together, celebrate our students’ talents (shoutout to Viva Voce for their incredible performance this year!), and have a little fun with giveaways. I also get the privilege of addressing our staff, sharing reflections, and setting the direction for the year.

This past year’s theme was Back to the Future—yes, straight from the iconic movie trilogy. We took a trip through time, reflecting on the past five years, and I connected the theme to a previous blog I wrote about Staff Sergeant Dwight Johnson and his remarkable story. I also got personal, sharing my thoughts as my son prepared to leave for college in Chicago. It made me ask myself: Had I spent my time wisely? Had I taught him enough, given him enough, prepared him enough for life?

The legacy we carry from our past always remains, but let’s be crystal clear: we can’t go back in time. So, how do we make the most of our moments?

Learning from the Best

I’d love to say I’m the best example of maximizing every moment, but honestly, that honor goes to Mr. Mark Biernbaum, a middle school teacher who has been a true role model in our district.

I met Mark nearly six years ago when I became Superintendent of Ladue Schools. He teaches what we affectionately call the "dirty shop" classes—woodworking and hands-on learning that students absolutely love. But beyond his classroom, Mark embodies what it means to make every moment count.

Author Steve Farber puts it perfectly: “Do what you love in the service of people who love what you do.”

That’s Mark. He not only creates meaningful moments for his students, but he also enriches our entire district.

A Legacy of Moments That Matter

If you’ve been around Ladue Schools long enough, you know Mark for a few things:
  • Dressing up in crazy costumes for Halloween
  • Sponsoring countless clubs and activities
  • Leading Sixth Grade Camp for 21 years, helping create lifelong memories for our students
  • Running summer school camps and organizing the beloved Ski Club, where students travel in-state and out-of-state for incredible skiing experiences
  • Most recently, spearheaded our districtwide staff volleyball tournament, bringing energy, connection, and fun to our faculty
I’ve had the privilege of attending Sixth Grade Camp, skiing with students, and now playing in our volleyball tournament—all because Mark made the effort to make these moments happen. And let’s be honest—he didn’t have to.

It would be easy for Mark to say:
"I’m too busy."
"It’s someone else’s turn."
"Why is it always me?"

But that’s not in his DNA. Mark chooses to show up.

One of my favorite examples? He organized the Survivor event for our middle school faculty to kick off their year. He planned it down to every last detail with help from his wife, daughter, and brother. That’s the level of care and dedication he brings to everything he does.

The Power of One

During our 2023-24 Opening Convocation, we had the privilege of welcoming John O’Leary as our keynote speaker. If you don’t know John’s story, it’s one of resilience, hope, and gratitude. He survived a devastating childhood accident that left him with burns covering 100% of his body—and went on to become a best-selling author and sought-after speaker, sharing the profound impact that one person can have on another’s life. He spoke about The Power of Onehow one person can make all the difference.
Mark Biernbaum? He lives on this motto every day.

Who’s on Your Board?

I often ask people to reflect on this question:
"If your life were a company, who would serve on your board of directors?"

Without a doubt, I’d want Mark Biernbaum on my board. I admire and strive to emulate his positivity, relentless work ethic, and “can-do” attitude.

Mark, as you prepare for retirement after 28 years of serving the Ladue Schools community, on behalf of our entire district, thank you for showing us what it means to seize every moment, create powerful memories, and make a lasting impact. You remind us all that the best way to honor our time is to use it wisely, intentionally, and in service to others.

So here’s my challenge to everyone reading this: What will you do to make the most of your moments?


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