Making Powerful Memories Out of Our Moments
At the beginning of each school year, we gather as a district for our Opening Convocation —a time to reconnect, take a deep breath before the halls fill with students, and set the tone for the year ahead. It’s a special moment. We enjoy breakfast together, celebrate our students’ talents (shoutout to Viva Voce for their incredible performance this year!), and have a little fun with giveaways. I also get the privilege of addressing our staff, sharing reflections, and setting the direction for the year. This past year’s theme was Back to the Future —yes, straight from the iconic movie trilogy. We took a trip through time, reflecting on the past five years, and I connected the theme to a previous blog I wrote about Staff Sergeant Dwight Johnson and his remarkable story. I also got personal, sharing my thoughts as my son prepared to leave for college in Chicago. It made me ask myself: Had I spent my time wisely? Had I taught him enough, given him enough, prepared him enough for life? The ...