Resolutions 2020

Friends, January has come and gone. I hope it treated you well. I always find January to be a great month and an awesome time of the year. It’s a time when we often have the opportunity to be refocused … rejuvenated … and re-invigorated to find our “why’s” and live them out in our daily actions. New Year’s resolutions (whether you personally make them or not) are kicking into gear … high gear at that. Anyone who went to the gym in the month of January was sure to find full classes or waits for a treadmill that didn’t occur in December. January has telltale signs of resolutions in action. People are more relaxed and full of hope that their dreams will be accomplished. So, have you ever stopped to ask yourself why your dreams are your dreams? Chances are they revolve around family, health and how your life can support other people. As I have gotten to know our Ladue Schools staff over the last six months, I have realized I have never been around a group of people wh...